Our Visit with Alison in Chicago

May 10-13, 2003

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View of downtown Chicago from the Adler Planetarium Location

Over the Mothers Day weekend in 2003, we visited Alison in Chicago.  We all had a great time shopping and visiting with her and her friends.  On the day we arrived it was rainy and cool with some very severe weather expected to move through the Chicago area late that night.  At least the really severe storms waited till we were back from dinner that evening.  After we returned to the apartment a very strong storm came through prompting tornado warnings, but other than very strong winds and rain all went well.
Sunday was cool and a bit rainy, but Monday and Tuesday it was absolutely beautiful as seen by the picture of the Hancock building and the view from the Adler Planetarium.  Alison's apartment is on the 10th floor and has a spectacular view of lake Michigan and the city to the North.  We were able to visit the Adler Planetarium which has some very interesting exhibits and programs to see.  The view of the city from the planetarium location is very impressive.
It was a lot of fun to take a very quick visit to Chicago and was a nice way to celebrate Mothers Day 2003.

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